I’m sure its happened to you: You’re driving around in your car, your mind begins to wander, and you get lost in a thought. I was so inspired by my thought that I began recording today’s episode on the road. Today, we step outside of the studio and I have my first “carcast” on Trust and Believe!
There are so many things this world has to offer you. Do not just float through life without really pushing yourself. You want to push past your limits so that you know you have done everything in your power to be the BEST you can be and to make sure you do NOT settle for mediocrity.
Mediocrity starts with YOU. No one else in this world controls you. There are so many chances in life to settle and to give yourself a pass. By choosing this path, you can remain stagnant in your job, in your workouts, in your relationships. But, instead of settling you could be finding a way within this situation to make your self as a person even better.
We can sometimes lose sight of the feeling we once had when things were “new”. Think back to the time when you started a new experience… What was that feeling like? I want you to try to recreate that feeling every single day. Don’t lose sight of something that once made you happy because you have the power , strength and the will to be amazing. Every single one of you are great at something—what is it? You can build your life in knowing your greatness, so tap into that and knock mediocrity OUT.
Today’s podcast is brought to you by Shaun T Apparel. For the month of December, use promo code STEDGE. Get your extra 5 minute Holiday Edge workout in while wearing your motivation, take a photo and tag #shauntapparel and #holidayedge so I can see you sweating through the holidays!
PrepT Foods has officially launched and for the holidays you can save 10% by entering the code STEDGE10 at checkout! Add 5 minutes to your daily workout each weekday in December with the #HolidayEdge, and eat clean with PrepT Foods throughout the holidays to stay fit and healthy!