Episode 142 – What I Learned From #STAmazingRace Pt. 2

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So this week I wrap up my #STAmazingRace Birthday trip and finish with the final lessons I learned about myself as I dealt with my heel injury and what it truly means to finish the race.  Everyday in life we start a race, a journey, or whatever you want to call it, and for many of us when we face adversity, we stop or give up and don’t finish.  That’s the lesson I was reminded of at the end of this trip.  Sit back and Trust and Believe that I finish every race I start and so should you.


Make sure you check out my new site TheOngoingKey.com. It’s The Ongoing Key to your transformation. Each month, I will help you uncover your potential while giving you specific steps to motivate you to BE the change. We’ll talk about how to break the yo-yo, instigate change, become more mentally and physically fit and have unstoppable confidence to be a more powerful you.