017-Get Naked

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You may be wondering, Shaun T, what are you up to and why are you asking me to get naked?! Well, I CHALLENGE you to get naked not only in removing your clothing, but in shedding that layer, that added baggage that you hold on to so you can progress to the next step in your life. Getting naked is your way to work towards making a change in your body, relationship, your job or your health. Once you become one with yourself and you can accept your bare assets you can follow through in achieving the new you.

I went all around asking people of difference races, ages, shapes, sizes and genders one simple question:

“How comfortable are you being naked?”

It is so interesting that not one answer is like the other and each person’s answer has its own background and story.

I want you to use your imagination to envision these people and REALLY listen into their responses.We hear from those who believe nakedness is all about fitness levels and those who think its the natural way of life. Those who use their naked to enjoy with their significant others and other who see naked as a more  private moment based on culture.

Within their answers you will find out that the most valuable investment you can make is in yourself and the bottom line here is to be comfortable with who YOU ARE.



I’m coming to you LIVE in Richmond, VA on February 6th! Go to Shaun T in Richmond, VA to dig deep with me for the day!


I am SO excited to let you know that my DietBet challenge is underway! It’s not to late to sign up for my daily support,  5 minute workout challenges,  and motivation to WIN to LOSE 4% of your body weight. Sign up by January 31st !