022-Light Your Fire

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What do you have to offer in this life? Have you ever thought about what the internal you is telling the internal you? It’s very important for us to talk to ourselves. (Yes, that may sound weird to some of you) but if you can’t look at yourself and speak to yourself how in the world will you be able to give out your best you. RUPAUL said it best, “if you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?

If you don’t know what you have to offer, how in the world are you gonna offer anything? Starting today I want you to no longer reach outside to get the recognition you want or need. Start to reach inside to connect with the core of who you are!

In the last podcast we spoke about impressing others, and this can also make its way into the work space. So, in our work space we can sometimes aim toward pleasing our bosses or even competing against our co-workers rather than working on bringing out the best of you to be the best for the job description.

Take a look at yourself and focus on your strengths. Your strengths will provide enough pleasing because you are internally fulfilling your best YOU. The minute you take things away from the core of who you are is the minute you lose, the minute you begin to become someone else and you can’t rely on your own strengths and weaknesses because they will become inexistent.

In order to get to the point where you can please others by pleasing the internal you… you must first ask one very important question..
Who am I? What do I have to offer into this world?

I’m going to ask you to take the time to really answer that. Do you find yourself connecting with some sort of doubt? Are you able to confidently say “this is what I have to offer and this is why I wake up in the morning” or do you need to deep down and find your fire?  If you actually connect to the internal you, if you actual connect to the core of who you are you will find what sparks the FIRE IN YOU!

The point is… If you want to find greatness…if you want to connect to your internal greatness, you have to find your life. Nobody can find it for you. My whole point to this is to NEVER feel inferior, less than, lower than, or intimidated by anyone! Know who you are, know your strengths and ultimately, set a goal and know what you want!


SHAUNTERVENTION is quickly approaching. This day is not just about a workout. It is filled with fun, motivation and will take you from one level of fitness to the next. See you there on April 10!